Employee Onboarding


                     Employee Onboarding

Onboarding is the process of acquainting a new employee with the company, according to the field of human resources. From the moment an employee accepts a job offer until they start contributing to the organization productively, onboarding is in progress.

Employee onboarding is broadly defined as the process of acquainting a (new) employee with the policies of the business, as well as the individual's place within the organization. Additionally, it entails fostering an atmosphere where employees feel at ease enough to engage freely with one another and develop social bonds at work. It entails obtaining the worker to complete the required papers for labor law compliance and providing them with all the equipment they require to perform their job successfully. Employees discover what is expected of them in terms of skills, communication, and attitude during onboarding.

The effectiveness of the onboarding program determines how well new hires are integrated into the company. Employees are more likely to develop into valuable contributors to the team the faster they are given the freedom to accomplish their duties. HR's role in onboarding is not exclusive. It is also the duty of the employee's immediate manager to make the employee aware of their position within the organization, the standards for performance, and the culture of the team they will be working with.

Onboarding encompasses more than just new hires, too. Cross boarding, which will be discussed more in this article, is the process by which employees shift laterally into new roles. This procedure also requires them to go through an onboarding process. Although they might be conversant with organizational culture, there might be differences in team culture. Even though they could be familiar with the company's policies, they can still require a mentor to help them adjust to their new position (Lalwani, 2023).

4 phases of Employee Onboarding

Successful onboarding is a wonderful approach to increase staff retention rates and prevent future too intrusive check-ins during routine procedures.

Phase 01- Pre boarding  

The employee goes through a checklist of items that introduces them to their function within the organization during phase one, often known as pre boarding. A company summary, employee handbook, compliance policy, social media and blogging policy, benefit information, dress code details, and a list of tools to support the employee's success in the role will all be included in this. This phase is crucial because it gives the employee a chance to get a feel for the workplace before they start working, allows you to make sure that you make a great first impression and that everyone inside and outside of your company has an accurate understanding of your company culture, and gives you a chance to decide how you will communicate with one another going forward. 

Phase 02 – Onboarding and welcoming new employees

Orientation, or the period when new workers initially join your company, is stage two of employee onboarding. You'll need to introduce staff members to top management and other important figures during this time. You'll assist people in adjusting to their new positions during this period, ideally with lots of assistance from current workers and coworkers who will be available to address any issues they may have and introduce them to important leaders in your company. The objective is to familiarize them with your organization's culture, development plans, and policies, as well as all the ways they may get engaged and contribute to their work. Here is where it will also want to make sure that everyone is clear on any expectations for interpersonal connections between employees and management, even though it will only be for a little time.

Phase 03- Training

Possibly the most crucial stage of onboarding is employee training. Too many companies and organizations assume new hires already know their work and don't give them the time or assistance they require to succeed. Possibly the most crucial stage of onboarding is employee training. Too many companies and organizations assume new hires already know their work and don't give them the time or assistance they require to succeed. No matter how easy or stupid the questions may seem, employers should make sure there are lots of opportunities for employees to ask them. A fantastic method to demonstrate to new workers that your workplace is positive in the first week is to foster a culture of employee involvement early on.

Phase 04- Transition to the new role

New hires must be gradually assimilated into the team and workplace culture. The employee will change from being a limited-responsibility individual contributor to a full-fledged team member in the fourth phase. The adjustment period is crucial for a new employee. In phase four, adjusting to the new surroundings and obligations takes some time. Even so, it might be challenging to find the ideal fit. Managers who are effective will give new employees ample time to get acclimated to the office, become familiar with all corporate policies and procedures, and get ready for their first project (eloomi, 2023).

The process of integrating new hires into an organization in a way that enables them to flourish and grow with and within the business is known as onboarding. As your staff members absorb your culture and enrich it with their own special contributions, this process never ends. 


eloomi, 2023. 4 phases of onboarding. [Online]
Available at: https://eloomi.com/blog/4-phases-of-onboarding/#:~:text=The%20four%20phases%20of%20onboarding%20are%20pre%2Dboarding%2C%20orientation%2C,successful%20transition%20into%20the%20company.
[Accessed 15 August 2023].

https://eloomi.com/, 2023. eloomi. [Online]
Available at: https://eloomi.com/blog/4-phases-of-onboarding/#:~:text=The%20four%20phases%20of%20onboarding%20are%20pre%2Dboarding%2C%20orientation%2C,successful%20transition%20into%20the%20company.
[Accessed 15 August 2023].

Lalwani, P., 2023. Spiceworks. [Online]
Available at: https://www.spiceworks.com/hr/recruitment-onboarding/articles/what-is-new-employee-onboarding/
[Accessed 15 August 2023].




  1. Onboarding is a process which should be completed in stages as mentioned in the article. Smooth and perfectly done process will cause to improve staff retention, boost job happiness, and improve job performance.

  2. Creating an effective onboarding process is the most effective approach to welcome and retain new workers. Effective onboarding is all about planning ahead of time and thinking from the perspective of your new employee. It doesn't start and finish with your new hire's first day. It begins with the hiring process and concludes when your new employee is well established into their position (Duggan, 2023).

    Duggan, D., 2023. Workable Technology Limited. [Online]
    Available at: https://resources.workable.com/tutorial/employee-onboarding
    [Accessed 16 08 2023].

  3. New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information.

  4. By implementing a comprehensive onboarding process, organizations can help new employees feel supported, connected, and prepared to contribute effectively to the company's success.

  5. Effective employee onboarding is crucial to organisations as it reduces employee turnover and increases productivity of employees.

  6. Building a strong onboarding process is the best way to welcome, and retain, new employees. Effective onboarding is all about planning ahead and thinking from your new employee’s point of view. It doesn’t begin and end on your new hire’s first day with you. It starts at the beginning of your hiring process and ends when your new employee is fully settled into their role.

  7. onboarding is not limited to the initial phases but continues as employees integrate into the organization. This aspect highlights the ongoing nature of creating a positive work environment.


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