External factors and content of work HR manages to keep the employment relationship and implications for affective management within organizations

Various external circumstances and work content influence the management of employment relationships and emotional management within organizations. These factors have a significant impact on the character of the job relationship as well as the success of HR practices. In this blog, I'll go through some of the important external factors and activities that HR oversees, as well as the consequences of emotional management within organizations while applying the factors to Dialog Axiata PLC. 

                                                  Image 01: Business and its Environment

Economic environment - The economic environment has a considerable impact on the employment relationship, encompassing aspects such as economic growth, labor market circumstances, and industry trends. Organizations may encounter issues such as layoffs, downsizing, and reduced job security during economic downturns. HR must handle these issues delicately in order to maintain employee trust and morale. A classic example of this is the HR of Dialog Axiata PLC kept the employees aware of the rapid changes in the economic environment via employee communication methods whereas the employees were highly educated on the threats to their jobs in the market, reduction of allowances and impacts of reorganizing and downsizing departments. 

      Political environment - Political factors, or the extent to which a government intervenes in the economy. Political considerations specifically include tax policy, labor legislation, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political considerations may also include products and services that the government wants to supply or have delivered (merit goods) as well as those that the government wishes not to provide (demerit goods or merit bads). Furthermore, governments have a significant impact on a country's health, education, and infrastructure. (Dialog Axiata PLC, 2022)

Legal Environment - Human resources is governed by a legal and regulatory framework that oversees employment interactions. Labor laws, health, and safety laws, equal employment opportunity laws, and minimum wage laws, among others, affect HR practices and influence the employment relationship. Compliance with these standards is critical for HR to preserve healthy employee relations while avoiding legal consequences. A very recent event under Dialog Axiata was the golden handshake procedure where 1/3 of the company was given the VRS. In order to proceed, the HR of Dialog had to study way depth to the labor laws and wage laws when calculating the compensations of each and every individual. (Dialog Axiata PLC, 2022)

Social environment – The social environment of business includes the consuming public's values, attitudes, beliefs, wants, and desires. The demographics of the Srilankan population, as defined by gender, age, ethnicity, geography, occupation, education, and income, are always changing. Aside from ethnic diversity and age, the social environment also includes forces such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which means that an increasing number of consumers are demanding that businesses be "good corporate citizens" by supporting charitable causes and contributing to local communities, adhering to ethical standards in their treatment of workers and others, and adopting environmentally responsible practices. Diriya. lk is a free, trilingual, online knowledge portal that serves as a one-stop hub for Sri Lankan entrepreneurs, providing expertise from reputed industry specialists, downloadable educational content, and access to networking opportunities which is powered by Dialog. (Dialog Axiata PLC, 2022)

      Technological advancements - In several industries, technological improvements have changed the nature of employment. Job responsibilities, skill requirements, and work procedures have all changed as a result of automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization. Human resources is critical in managing the effects of technology developments, ensuring staff have the requisite skills and training, and supporting effective adaption to changing work settings. Dialog is a good example of changing the entire process from manual to fully automated from the front desk customer service end to back end reconciling processes. Thousands of jobs were replaced by automation where as the employees who are educated on technological advancement were retained and the others were replaced for better job opportunities within the company by the HR team. 

      In conclusion, HR is crucial in managing the employment relationship within organizations. External elements such as legislative laws, economic situations, technical breakthroughs, social and cultural trends, and industry-specific factors must be navigated. HR effectively supports affective management by identifying and managing these external issues, creating positive employee interactions, work satisfaction, and organizational success. 


Dialog Axiata PLC. (2022). Sustainibility Report 2022. Colombo: Dialog Axiata PLC.

The LibreTexts libraries. (n.d.). Libre text Bussiness . Retrieved July 9, 2023, from Libre text Bussiness: https://biz.libretexts.org/



  1. I have determined from my personal experiences to name it as an organization that maintains a high level of human resource management and provides relatively high service to the customer.

    I U K Yaddehige.
    MBA (Batch28).

  2. Creating a satisfying and positive work environment for the employee and paving the way for him to achieve his goal is an important and necessary aspect of human resource management.

  3. Now a day HR and entire organization experiencing VUCA business environment., Therefore this is very hard time to entire business to project the business as well as employment also. hence HR and business leaders must take a timely decision and wider analysis of the environment., in order to minimize and mitigate the business and employment risk.

    Kasup Harischandra
    MBA (Batch 28)

  4. Good external analysis. All levels of staff who handle set of workers are considered as Human recourse managers.Being sensitive to their own team issues, really strengthen the bond between subordinates.

  5. Managers have to continuously read signals from the external environment to spot emerging opportunities and threats! thanks for bringing this out to the light.

  6. Content illustrates how important HRM in decision making is. Experienced and talented HR managers are assets to the companies to analyze the macro environment conditions and the influence of those conditions to the organizations in the view of HRM to offer the best to the employees.

  7. I feel the title is too long, better to have short and inclusive title that reflect the contents. Citation should appear before the full stop of the sentence, means the citation should be part of sentence.

  8. Really Very important in organization thank for your shearing your knowledge

  9. One of the biggest external influences is the shape of the current economy. Not only does it affect the talent pool, but it might affect your ability to hire anyone at all.

  10. An HR department has two key tasks in terms of employee interactions. First, HR assists in the prevention and resolution of difficulties or disagreements between employees and management. Second, they aid in the development and implementation of policies that are fair and consistent for all employees. Employee relations refers to an organization's attempts to carry out these duties while also establishing and maintaining strong relationships with its personnel.

  11. I feel like you are discussing employee relations and how external factors affect it. In that regard, it is indeed important to manage the external factors properly for effective employee relations management.

  12. The blog post effectively highlights the significant impact of external factors on managing employment relationships and emotional management within organizations, with specific reference to Dialog Axiata PLC,Consider discussing how HR anticipates future external challenges and proactively prepares the organization to navigate them effectively.


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